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High Hill Gotlands is dedicated to raising, showing and selling high quality registered Gotland sheep and fleeces. High Hill Gotlands is located in Chandlersville, Ohio and shepherded by Michele Potts. While I have raised and shown registered sheep most of my life I started my Gotland flock in 2015. High Hill Gotlands currently consists of 20 adult ewes which are bred naturally each year without the use of any hormones. I also keep a few ewe lambs each year that move into the brood ewe flock after their yearling year. High Hill Gotland ewes are very prolific and have had a 200%+ lambing percentage for the last several years. My ewe flock has been closed since 2016 which means I do not purchase ewes but choose my replacement ewes from the ewe lambs born on my farm each year. Breeding rams are both raised and purchased.